Saturday 16 April 2011

what the fuck just happened

so the pubcrawls been going strong last night really stood out though, first up my main man rory turned 22 which resulted with nir (the owner of the pubcrawl) and the other boys holding rory down an pouring vodka down his throat, t least i think it was vodka...... for then on the night got uuuuuhhhh interesting, at cinema one of the english guys got his pinky jammed in the door of the toilet somehow but instead of jamming it it sliced about 1cm off the end of his pinky, he took it well for a second or so then started freaking out he didnt go nuts just started goin my finger man my fucking finger blood pissed everywhere, dunno what happened to him, i guess he went to hospital...

so. for rorys birthday we went to melkwig which had some dubstep dudes playin, everything was fine till about 4am when rory started to get really fucked up which is strange cause we had the exact same amount to drink except the 3 shots, an he starts fallin over on stage tripping over speakers an generally being drunk, eventually i had to call it so i txt eli to come pick up his hammered flatmate, anyway 5am rolls round everything ends im carrying rory out of the club when some dude rolls up and rocks rory right in the face straight away i grab the dude in a half nelson an pull him off rory but one off his mates comes after me when all of a sudden another fight breaks out for some reason, then everyone converges bouncers, cops, dutch dudes everybody.. while this is happening im checkin on rory who got KNOCKED. THE. FUCK.OUT. he took the punch like a champ though, anyway full credit goes to the man himself eli who saw everything go down an came in guns blazin which was the cause of the other fight that started up fuckin champion bro he got cuffed but got off cause he didnt do anything to provoke the fight or something like that, anyway all 3 of us are in the cop station waitin to give a statement, which was taking fucking ages for some reason, in the end we just left, rory was pissed as fuck, i think he still reckons he got a few punches in before he went down, called it a night end of story

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