Tuesday 12 April 2011

Dear god never again!!!!

OK so theres these group of girls on the pubcrawl right the second to last club we're at most of the girls decide to call it a night except 1 who decides to come to dansen bij jansen with us, which i promise her that i will get her home safe, so anyway its 230am an i call it a night due to the fact i havent had a decent sleep in 4 days, (i still havent) an i take this girl with me, what followed was one of the most frustrating nights of my life, thei, girl, was ,crazy, an i dotn mean the hahahaha such an such is crazy i mean there was somethin wrong with her, with out goin into too much detail she though that 1, her friends were inside the club (they werent) 2. she thought we were at the 2nd club of the night (we were at the last) an 3. thought she knew her way back if i had let her go her own way i have no doubt in my mind she wouldve been raped or fallen into a canal or something like that.

so, knowin the general direction of her hostel we set off with her immediately fighting me every step of the way insisting we were goin the wrong direction, which we werent an all the time she was bitching about how she thinks that i think girls cant do anything that she was stupid (she studies medicine) an blah blah blah, so a walk that shouldve taken 15 min ended up takin about 45 mins (cheers for that) so finally she realized where we were an said she knew where we had to go, so being the trusting but not a complete dumbass, that i am let her lead the way but i starting checkin maps n my phone, good thing i did cause she was leading me away from her hostel, to her credit though she got us on the right street, so i dropped her off an finally started to make my way back to my hostel.

ran into a couple of mates who were looking for food an dragged me along (i guess im not supposed to get my 8 hours of sleep go figure) which was a reason to just walk around for another half hour cause every place is closed, however i made the call to check out favorite chicken (like KFC but better) we got there but it was closed aswell they were cleaning up though so we managed to get them to give us all their left over chicken for 20e which was a fucking good deal

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