Thursday 7 April 2011

so im about 3 hours into my trip an ive been "randomly bomb searched" already.  
if this keeps up ill break my personal record of 6 bomb searches/drug searches 
for a return flight, and interesting thing happend on the way to oz, the fulla
next to me was having a sleep an when it came time for dinner to come round
the air host dude leaned across me an tapped his shoudler, so rather than look
to his left for the source of the tap as one would do, he looks right out the window all over the place
the host looks at me goes "what the fuck bro" we have a laugh an the dude finally realizes
its dinner time an takes about 5 mins to choose between the chicken or ham. i finally
saw harry potter an the deathly hallows an i gotta say its a bit on the crap side
if some ginge ranga said "you dont have a family your parents are dead" you wouldnt
have some little sissy ball room dance like grappling match, youd knock him the fuck out.
emirates though shiiiiit has to be the flashest airline i have ever flown you can tell they
have the monies to throw around, they even have little star like lights in the ceilings
when the lights are dimmed, choice ay!!

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