Monday 4 April 2011

So it occurred to me that as i am obscenely crap at keeping in touch with people while im out of the country i decided to start up this blog to keep people updated on my where-a-bouts , if ive been kidnapped or if i actually die, ok that last one is a bit extreme.... so from now on i don't wanna hear anyone having a bitch about why i haven't kept in touch, by starting up this thing i actually have an excuse now. Mostly i figure ill be updating this with incredibly drunk posts mainly having a bitch about things that quiet frankly piss me off or anything that pops into my head at the time. Ofcourse there will be all the mayhem and crazy storys vids an photos that happen to me along the way, in a city like amsterdam every night is literally a new adventure especially for those one drink wonders who really should stay in mantrol but i digress.....

In 24 hours i will be checkin in for yet another insanely long 30+ hour flight, so i should probably start packing......

coming soon
Ajs totally awesome travel tips an advice
airline hostesses-why arent they hot?
the black book
people who shouldnt drink
and much more........

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