Saturday 9 April 2011

Almost done

you gotta love pubcrawls ay you literally see everything on them, tonight, a massive break up with some girl goin nuts an my main man steve asking her to leave cause shes making a scene (the man) 2 stag nights (both grooms dressed as chicks) and some dude, apparently coming out to one of the crawl guides. but other than that it was beers in the park and an all round awesome day, i start work on monday night or tuesday somewhere round then so unfortunately im missing out on the commission for the 300 or something large college group gettin on it tonight, but hey ya win some ya lose some.

all thats left now is to find a place to live which is proving a real pain in the ass cause all the places on craigslist (sort of the world wide trademe) are bloody scams i mean seriously why do people have to be dicks like that, i mean ok sure so you fool some dumbass into giving you heaps of money one time, doesnt mean its gona work again , fuuuuuuck it pisses me off

just gotta get my visa and a place to live an then i can start having some fun

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