Sunday 22 May 2011

I really am getting crap at this blog I do apologise to everybody that’s following this site, lack on internet at my apartment has really contributed to the decline in the updates to this page that an ive been partying every night so between those 2 occurrences I haven’t had a lot of spare time on my hands, I should also mention I haven’t taken a day off since I started so ive worked 40 days exactly as I write this in a row maybe that’s why I got promoted or cause I’m just dam good ay my job.

Ii think the little things in life are always the best feelings in the world last Wednesday I ran into 2 guys from new Zealand which we found out that we had a mutual friend in this German girl I met in whanga about a year an a half ago these buys came on the crawl 4 nights in a row, their last night on Friday was supposed to be a big one but Dan got annihilate by the vodka that was goin round an disappeared which left beau looking for him the whole night an ended up sleeping at the train station to wait for him there if they got separated instead of crashing at my apartment as per the plan, turns out Dan was asleep/passed out in the toilet of the 1st bar we were at an woke up round 4am with one hell of a headache an no memory,

I also ran into this English dude the same day who I met on the pubcrawl last year who remembered me ahhhhhhh the little things ay.

A bit of a story here, a few nights ago  some guy was shot outside the shooter bar my boss owns ive heard different things but from what I can gather this guy went for a cops gun an they killed him whats crazy is that it happened right after we got the last person in the door of the bar so there was a shot an everybody ran back out to see what happened, the other story I heard was that it was supposed to be a warning shot but the dude got hit in the neck which I don’t believe cause I mean how does a warning shot in the air nail a dude in the neck but yeaaaaah knarly ay

Man I’m trying to cram as much stuff into this post as I can but it’s hard to remember all that crap that’s happened over the last 2 weeks, been in a few fights (whooped their asses too) trying to stay in shape is a bit hard, meeting tonnes of people, if anybody reading this knows people coming to Amsterdam in the next few months let me know an ill hook em up if they need a place to stay an so on, Claire or Kate if your reading this tell Chase, he mentioned heading over my way soon.

Other than that i think ive covered everything thats happened over the last couple of weeks....... i think

Saturday 7 May 2011

i really am getting crap at this blogg thingie from what i understand i havent written anything in about 2 weeks now to be fair i have been busy, what with setting up my SOFI number my bank account moving in to my apartment (which is pretty kick ass) also probably cause i can only use the internet about half an hour a day when i go into the office for the arvo meeting, looking at getting internet for the flat but itll probably be a month cause instead of getting paid weekly im getting paid monthly now so the first month will be a bit tight over dare!!!

Heres something that really grinds my gears, ok my baby has been at my mate elis for the last 5 weeks while i looked for a place to live, finally got it back off him a couple days ago stoked as hell got it back to the apartment took it out of the case took off the towels wrapped around it cut off all the cardboard wrapped around the nose tail and rails, cut off about 3 inches of bubble wrap covering THE WHOLE BOARD  showed the boys my pride an joy, laid it on the bed an watched it fondly when i noticed the edge point of my tail, upon closer inspection i saw that the tail had been fucking SMASHED!!!!  Needless to say i flipped out worse that i have ever done, i mean after all the wrapping an protection i put on it like emirates suggested somehow it still gets damaged and apparently their counter to this was “we don’t have our baggage handlers at every airport so we cant be held responsible for how other baggage dudes handle your bags” assholes, later that night i also found a hole in the left rail aswell so now i have 2 things that need fixing the rail could just do with a repair kit but the tail needs to be re glassed and moulded  and the only ding store is about an hours train outside of town.

So thats a big FUCK YOU to emirates and cheers for putting me off flying with my board to spain an portugual, cause if it got damaged with all that wrapping what the hell will happen when its just covered by a few towels, on the other hand me an my boy vince are talkin about renting a car an cruising down the cost later on in the year so that could be problem solved right there